Welcome to 2025! Are you ready to step up your game? Last Sunday in Sunday School our application article by David Faust was saying that Jesus led the best Bible study ever in Luke 24. He then issued a challenge: “Do you currently lead or participate in a Bible class or small group? If not, why not? If so, ask the Lord to infuse the group with purpose and power as you study together and apply his Word in your lives”. Be sure and check the bulletin for the When? Where? What? for the Bible Studies that are currently meeting. Sunday Bible School began a 5-week study in the book of Galatians. Join us at 9am.
This year for our Facebook posts, I’m going to try something new. We are going to read through the book of Psalms. I figure 3 Psalms a week and I’ll break up Psalm 119. My plan is to do this on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Any extra good links I find related to that day’s Psalm will be included in the comment section.
The communion prep list is up in the library. Choose a month to serve. Are you thinking, “ I don’t think so. I’ve never done it before. I can’t be there early on Sunday”? I have solutions for you. Someone will walk you through it and it can be done on Thursday or Friday.
It is time to update our Address List for 2025. You will be receiving a sheet of paper. I would like everyone to at least put their name on it and indicate no changes or fill out the changes that need to be made. If you were new in 2024, please fill it out with your contact information to be included. Email addresses are used for church information and Birthdays/Anniversaries are included in the print newsletters. I do not add them to the online newsletter.
That’s all I’ve got for you this month. It’s my newsletter inside a newsletter.