At HCC we believe that kids matter to Jesus. It is important as a church to work alongside with the parents to teach them about the love of Jesus.
Your children are invited to be a part of everything. If it is something that's not appropriate we will let you know.
During the sermon part of our Sunday Morning service, we have a Children's Church downstairs. This is for children ages 4 through the 5th grade.
We also have a nursery available.
On Wednesday nights, our J.A.M. (Jesus and Me) youth group meets at 7pm. Our curriculum is The Gospel Project. This is a chronological study through the Bible and every story to Jesus.
Each summer, we take children to Church camp in Sierra Vista, AZ for a week of adventure.
Our VBS is an experience that children will always remember. We learn about God in historical settings, sing, eat snacks, make crafts and have fun. Our VBS is at night starting at 6:30 pm until 8:45 pm. It is Monday through Friday with the on Sunday morning during our regular service time. AND.... It is Free!
"Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me;
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Matthew 19:14

It's important to teach our children about Jesus and how to read their Bibles. But equally important is reaching other children with the gospel.
We pack shoeboxes to donate to Operation Christmas Child. These gifts in a shoebox are taken all over the world to children who hear about Jesus for the first time. They are also receiving gifts for the first time as well.
Some gather items for their boxes all year long. Others start packing their boxes in the fall. Some pack a box online at Some people partner with others to pack boxes.
Stop by the church and pick up a box today.