Havasu Christian Church
Luke 2:36-40
January 5, 2025
Ambush at the Temple Part II: Anna
INTRO: Last week, we looked at the interaction between Simeon and Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We looked at Simeon; who he was, and what he did.
He was a man of Godly character.
He was a man who did what God wanted him to do.
He was a man who God used in a mighty way to speak to Mary & Joseph.
Today, we look at Anna. Let’s see what we can learn from her today!
Luke 3:36-40 And there was a prophetess, Anna the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years and had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage,
37 and then as a widow to the age of eighty-four. She never left the temple, serving night and day with fastings and prayers.
38 At that very moment she came up and began giving thanks to God, and continued to speak of Him to all those who were looking for the redemption of Jerusalem.
39 When they had performed everything according to the Law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own city of Nazareth.
40 The Child continued to grow and become strong, increasing in wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
- Anna isn’t where she “should” be.
- She should be at home! Or almost anywhere else! But not at the temple.
- She’s no kid…. She’s 84 years old!
- An age where most people would quit whatever they are doing and stay at home.
- She’s not even from the tribe of Levi!
- Her tribe had no responsibilities concerning the Temple.
- She isn’t a priest.
- She isn’t an official caretaker of the temple.
- She isn’t a “teacher of the law.”
- So, why then was Anna at the temple?
- God wants her there!
- Anna is a prophetess.
- God has chosen for her to speak on His behalf.
- There were other Prophetesses in the Bible as well.
- Miriam: Moses’ sister. Exodus 15:20
- Deborah: Also a Judge. Judges 4:4
- Huldah: She prophesied during the reign of Josiah. II Kings 22:14 & II Chronicles 34:22
- The wife of Isaiah: Isaiah 8:3
- 4 virgin daughters of Philip: Acts 21:8-9
- Anna is God’s servant.
- She never leaves the temple.
- Is this by choice or necessity?
- Did Anna have a family?
- If she and her husband were able to have children, in seven years, they would have.
- Perhaps she did have a family and they brought her necessary items and visited her there.
- Perhaps she did not have a family.
- If so, she is living on the gifts given by those who come to the temple. (alms)
- Day and night she is fasting and praying.
- She lives in the Temple.
- “She never left the temple” was no exaggeration!
- There were a lot of rooms in the temple, one of these might have been set aside for her.
- There were at times, women who served at the tabernacle and perhaps the temple.
- She may have been a part a group like this, but she may not have been.
- Either way, she lives in the temple!
- How did Annas interact with Jesus?
- Right after Simeon’s prophecies, she comes up to Jesus, Mary & Joseph.
- Did she hear what Simeon said?
- Did God prompt her like He did Simeon?
- We don’t know. But she praised God!
- When God does something amazing, this is the right response.
- When God doesn’t do anything amazing that we can see, it’s still the right response!
- She tells anyone who will listen about Jesus.
- She specifically tells people who are “looking for the redemption of Israel.”
- People who are looking for the Messiah to come.
- People will listen to her.
- Because she speaks up.
- Often people don’t hear because we don’t speak to them.
- People will especially listen to her because of her Godly Character.
What should we learn from Anna?
- If you are a servant of God, you never retire from that service!
- Look around and see what God has for you to do.
- Tribute to Mrs. Reese by Dr. David Fincher, President of Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly Missouri.
“Sandy and I moved to Moberly in July 1996 with Adam, our one-year-old. In those days, most Christian churches had Sunday night services and Union Avenue Christian Church (now Timber Lake Christian Church) was where we attended the first week. The nursery was in the back of the auditorium, right by the main entrance, but we were unsure if there would be childcare at night. We walked up to that half-pony door and Mrs. Reese was standing inside. I discovered that she volunteered to be in the nursery on Sunday nights so young moms could rest from watching their kids and be able to focus on the message. Most weeks, there were no kids, so after waiting a few minutes, she’d go sit with her husband and listen. But if kids showed up, she was happy to watch them.
Sandy and I knew her from our student years at Central, so we gladly handed Adam over to her. She proceeded to get down on the floor and play with him the entire hour. We walked into the service, went forward that night, and joined the church. And we seldom missed Sunday night services as long as they had them.
Why? Because a 61-year-old lady was willing to crawl around on the ground with someone else’s toddler, after she had already worked a full-time job all week and been to church where her husband preached that morning. And a church with that kind of volunteers was the kind of church where we wanted to be.”
- If you are a servant of God, you do whatever job God gives you to do.
- Even if it’s crawling around on the floor of a nursery with someone else’s toddler.
- If you are a servant of God, you should live your life in such a way that people will listen!
- Don’t let your actions deny your words.
- “Do as I say, not as I do” won’t cut it.
- No, you won’t be perfect… but people should see your life moving in the right direction.
- Be an example and people will listen when you speak about Jesus!