Bible Study/Sunday School at 9 am
Fellowship at 10 am
Worship Service and Children's Church at 10:30 am
Children participate with the adults during the first part of the service. Then they are invited to go downstairs during the sermon for their own lesson.
Small Group Studies at 4 & 5 pm. Addresses can be found in your church bulletin
4 pm study at the Granere's The book of Acts
5 pm study at the Walton's
10 am Ladies Crafting
Do you like to do crafts? Bring your projects and enjoy some company.
7pm Adult Bible study at McKinnons. Address can be found in your church bulletin
Studying the book of Proverbs
8am Men's Prayer in Church Library
7pm Bible Studies
Adult Bible Study: the book of Deuteronomy
Kids/Youth Study: Getting acquainted with our Bibles
Women's Bible study in the church sanctuary, starts at 10 am.
The study is "Discovering Joy in Philippians"
"Discovering Good News in John" starts March 27
Last Saturday of the Month:
The men will be having breakfast in the church downstairs. Begins at 8:45 am
They do not meet the months of May through August, November and December
For more information, please call the church: 928-855-2590